39. BImSchV Verordnung über Luftqualitätsstandards und Emissionshöchstmengen
- Introductory Article Art. I. PurposesArt. II. MembershipArt. III. Quotas and SubscriptionsArt. IV. Obligations Regarding Exchange ArrangementsArt. V. Operations and Transactions of the FundArt. VI. Capital TransfersArt. VII. Replenishment and Scarce CurrenciesArt. VIII. General Obligations of MembersArt. IX. Status, Immunities, and PrivilegesArt. X. Relations with Other International OrganizationsArt. XI Relations with Non-Member CountriesArt. XII. Organization and ManagementArt. XIII. Offices and DepositoriesArt. XIV Transitional ArrangementsArt. XV. Special Drawing RightsArt. XVI. General Department and Special Drawing Rights DepartmentArt. XVII. Participants and Other Holders of Special Drawing RightsArt. XViii Allocation and Cancellation of Special Drawing RightsArt. XIX. Operations and Transactions in Special Drawing RightsArt. XX. Special Drawing Rights Department Interest and ChargesArt. XXI. Administration of the General Department and the Special Drawing Rights DepartmentArt. XXII. General Obligations of ParticipantsArt. XXIII. Suspension of Operations and Transactions in Special Drawing RightsArt. XXIV. Termination of ParticipationArt. XXV. Liquidation of the Special Drawing Rights DepartmentArt. XXVI. Withdrawal from MembershipArt. XXVII. Emergency ProvisionsArt. XXVIII. AmendmentsArt. XXIX. InterpretationArt. XXX. Explanation of TermsArt. XXXI. Final Provisions